Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Zersetzung and Organized Stalking

From Wikipedia:

Zersetzung (German for "decomposition") is a psychological warfare technique used by the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) to repress political opponents in East Germany during the 1970s and 1980s.
Zersetzung served to combat alleged and actual dissidents through covert means, using secret methods of abusive control and psychological manipulation to prevent anti-government activities.

The Stasi used operational psychology and it's extensive network of informal informants to launch personalized psychological attacks against targets to damage their mental health and lower chances of a "hostile action" against the state.

The use of Zersetzung is well documented due to Stasi files published after East Germany's "Wende," with several thousand or up to 10,000 individuals estimated to have become victims, and 5,000 of whom sustained irreversible damage.

From a January 28, 2013 Daily Kos article titled:
"The Guardian in America - Icon of the Left, or too close to British Intelligence"
By Rodrick Russell

"Zersstzen, also called Cointelpro - Lies, Intimidation, Threats"

It all started for us when I chose to leave "Grosvenor International" - a company with joint head offices then in San Francisco and Vancouver, Canada - that was both owned and managed by power elites that are, for example, very close to Prince Charles.
To my surprise, I found myself unable to gain further employment in Canada where I was based.
I had been blacklisted.

Over ten years later, perhaps to get me to shut up, a campaign of harassment began:
vehicles driven at me, computers wrecked, threatening phone calls, surveillance, phone taps, mail intercepts, shots fired, overt stalking, etc.- much of it witnessed by third parties.

Eventually, I fled to the try and put this behind me, only to find that it all got worse.
I went through all the normal channels and complained to the police and politicians without effect.
The more I complained, the more it was covered up, and the more we got threatened.

In former East Germany, the Secret Police, the Stasi, called this type of activity "Zersetzen."
It is also called COINTELPRO.

Read entire Daily Kos article:
"The Guardian in America - Icon of the Left, or too close to British Intelligence"

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