Wednesday, March 20, 2019

What is "Voice to Skull" Technology?

"Voice to Skull" has been defined as a "mind control" device.

The Federation of American Scientists defines Voice to Skull (V2K) devices as:
"Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation: and (2)  a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of persons or animals.
NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages.
One application of V2K is use as an electronic "scarecrow" to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports."

 Eleanor White, an Organized Stalking activist and OS victim for more than 35 years, said:

"The 'psycho-electronic' type of mind control I'm discussing here is the covert, around-the-clock harassment of innocent citizens living in their homes and communities, and is currently world wide in scope.
This harassment includes electronic mind-body attacks, street harassment skits, destruction of family and other relationships, and destruction of careers.

One especially effective invasive attack method in the arena of 'psycho-electronic' mind control is 'voice to skull.'
Voice to skull is the transmission of voice, or any other audible or subliminal sound, directly into the hearing sense of the mind control victim.
This is sometimes done around the clock and can be one of the severest forms of torture.
Voice to skull technology is sometimes referred to as 'synthetic telepathy.'

Current-day voice to skull cannot be stopped by any known electronic shielding, a fact which demonstrates how advanced mind control technology has become.

The listener needs to know that at least one method of voice to skull transmission using microwave pulses much like radar, is not particularly new.
During World War ll, technicians working in the path of energized radar antennas discovered that they could hear a buzz seeming to originate inside their skulls.
This buzz was being caused by the train of very short pulses of microwave signal, each pulse causing a single click

In the early 1970s, Dr. Joseph Sharp of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research used a computer to control a radar transmitter such that each time a human voice waveform changed from a peak to a valley, the radar transmitter sent out a single pulse, causing a single click to be heard by the test subject.
Because these clicks were timed according to the human voice waveform, the test subject heard a voice, rather than a string of clicks.
This has not been pursued, at least publicly, due to concerns about the effect of microwave signals aimed at a person's skull, but it does work.

In actual fact, a suitably modified amateur radio transmitter operating in either the 420 to 450 megahertz band or the 1.3 gigahertz band, with a highly directional antenna, is capable of transmitting voice to skull signals at a cost less than the price of an automobile.

In addition to simply driving a target crazy, voice to skull can be used for more severe damage to a targeted person if instead of audible voice, one of several types of SUBLIMINAL voice is transmitted instead.
When the subliminal voice is that of a hypnotist, and is aimed at a targeted person's bed, voice to skull can be used over time to undetectably program the person.
Because the power level required is fairly modest, being something like the output of the common heat lamp, the person being programmed could have no idea this is happening.

A person who is highly susceptible to hypnosis, and about one in five are, could be put through living Hell simply by way of subliminal voice to skull.

It is common for psycho-electronic mind control victims to report a very frequent or constant "ringing in the ears," which is also a symptom of the "Lowery" method of subliminal voice conversion.
Lowery's method is described in U.S. Patent #  5, 159,703 and such a converter can easily be built by someone with reasonable electronic capabilities. (Source:

Read more:

Or Google:
"V2K: What is Voice to Skull Technology?"
(The Event Chronicle, February 19, 2018)

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