Thursday, May 16, 2019

Californians Report Organized Stalking in Droves, to Local TV News Outlets & Beyond
November 3, 2018
By Thomas Fontanez McFarlan

"As a ground breaking bill proposal that explicitly outlaws organized torture, via organized stalking and electromagnetic weapons, is under review by legislators in California, the numerous reports of organized stalking and electromagnetic weapon attacks, given by droves of Californians, are a stark reminder of how desperately overdue this legislation is..
..Are legislators and other leaders in California going to ignore these reports, that even mainstream journalists found so credible they couldn't ignore them, despite being a risky subject to touch for their careers?

Since the late 1990s, numerous California-based major TV news outlets have reported on the now wildly out-of-control organized stalking epidemic in California.
These accounts, that have been broadcast to millions of viewers, both by traditional cable news and online broadcasting platforms, have somehow been largely ignored, by both law enforcement and legislators in California.
Currently, a woman by the name of Dr. Tomo Shibata, who has been targeted with organized stalking and electromagnetic weapons in California, is presenting a bill proposal to California legislators, that explicitly outlaws organized stalking and electromagnetic weapon campaigns, that is titled "The Organized Torture Act"
As these legislators continue to review Dr. Shibata's bill proposal, these numerous and revealing TV reports serve as an omen of things to come for the entire population, if nothing significant  is done to end these crimes in the next few years

This article includes major TV news segments that acknowledge the reality of the organized stalking phenomenon in California, and with absolute certainty, the legitimacy of the reportage given by the Californian victims they feature.
The journalists and major network news station teams, who have courageously brought these crimes against humanity to light include:
- Journalist David Bienick at KCRA 3 News Sacramento, CA.
- Journalist Brian Shlonsky at ABC 10 News San Diego, CA.
- Journalist Candice Nguyen at KION Central (West) Coast News, CA.
- Journalist/Actor William Shatner at The History Channel
- Journalists Linsey Davis and Ronan Farrow at ABC News
- Journalists Megyn Kelly, Kate Snow and Cynthia McFadden at NBC News
- Journalist Andrea Canning at ABC News
- Ultra-science Journalists at The Learning Channel
- Journalist Ross Blackstone at KOVR 13 News Sacramento, CA.
- Journalist Angela Monroe at KMIR News 6 Coachella, CA.
- Journalists Margaret J. Howell and Madison Mary Walls at The Lip TV"

Thomas Martanez McFarlan goes on to say:

"For those who are  unfamiliar with what organized stalking is, or only have a vague idea of what it is, below I have included my comprehensive definition of organized stalking, from my deep-dive article on the phenomenon here on Medium.

Organized stalking is a horrific and extraordinarily illicit phenomenon that is most commonly known as gang stalking, but the term Organized Stalking provides the most accurate designation.
Organized Stalking amounts to a covert, extraordinarily intense and highly organized stalking crime, a vastly multi-layered illicit business plan, and a covert tool to psychologically condition the public at large into self-subjugation, to the holistic globalist criminal cartel that has garnered significant power over all the nations of the world.
For the sake of understanding the overarching nature of Organized Stalking, it is important to sum up this kind of stalking as simply a business model -- as money and opportunistic power-plays, on every layer of it's vastly multi-layered and compartmentalized operation -- are the overarching points of leverage that make the internal mechanism of Organized Stalking tick.
Most type of stalking crimes are perpetrated solely against a single individual in a largely crude manner, by a lone estranged business associate, spouse, colleague, friend, or secretive voyeur - that was motivated simply by a desire to fulfill feelings of revenge, straightforward monetary gain, to manipulate a single relationship, to gain a simple advantage in a competitive market place, or to fulfill a voyeuristic drive.
Organized Stalking by contrast, is omnipresent, highly organized, precisely customized to the specific victim, extraordinarily intense, and usually involves physical attacks on the victim's body via classified  military electromagnetic weapons.
Additionally, a full spectrum of classified military high-technology tools are utilized, and the stalking campaign is perpetrated by large teams of individuals who work in the security services industry, or who culturally associate with these people.
This overwhelming, omnipresent, and utterly surreal type of stalking is designed to completely decimate the victim's life and psyche, as well as, extract multiple streams of profit from the victim directly, and as a human experimentation subject.
Moreover, the family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and business partners of the primary victim, ultimately all end up being turned into victims themselves and used as sources of profit.
This is done by the creation of 'control files,' that are written up about them under the fraudulent pretense of 'association with a criminal'....Then this 'control file' is used as leverage to more subtly subjugate them, or turn them into full-fledged targeted individuals themselves, at some point in the future.
Finally, through the public spectacle that these campaigns create, and the underlying fascist social-political momentum that is generated, Organized Stalking campaigns covertly psychologically condition the public at large, in a way that insidiously divorces them from their fundamental human rights, and the rule of law and constitution.
This creates fertile ground to globally perpetuate and expand, the holistic globalist criminal cartel's business model, and entrap more individuals into Organized Stalking programs.
So Organized Stalking is an all-together completely different, and infinitely more destructive phenomenon than what is normally thought of as stalking."

Read more:
"Californians Report Organized-Stalking in Droves, to Local TV News Outlets & Beyond"

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