Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Gang Stalking - Tactics For Fighting Back - Part Eight

The following is taken from https://fightgangstalking.com


Join forces with other gang stalking victims by concentrating on just a few online platforms to share information and expose gang stalking.

Not only are gang stalking victims often in various stages of financial ruin because of their enemies,  and short of contacts because of their isolation,  they also don't have one clear source to which they can go for information and support.

African-Americans have the NAACP,  American Muslims have CAIR (Counsel on American-Islamic Relations),  if members of those communities are looking for advocacy, they know where to go.

Targets of gang stalking in contrast are isolated individuals with numerous, scattered, marginally-useful websites to go to for information, and those are mixed in among search results with numerous disinformation websites created by government minions.

To have any hope of ever gaining the attention of Congress,  targeted individuals must at least begin coalescing around just a few major information sources.
This website is intended to be one of those.

For every legitimate ant-gang-stalking website, there seems to be at least a dozen which are mostly or completely filled with garbage.
Every gang stalking victim who has searched for information online knows this is true.

As you visit websites which appear in searches about gang stalking,  you first see something which appears to be a possible source of useful information,  but on closer look is just a lot of vague B.S. mixed with UFO abduction story links or whatever.

I have listed some of the few exceptions in the "Recommended Websites" page of this blog.
There are other legitimate sources as well, but not many.

Consequently, anyone who is not a targeted individual searching online - for example, a journalist - will mostly encounter what appears to be evidence that gang stalking is the product of the imaginations of paranoid and mentally-challenged individuals.

(To be continued)

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