Sunday, January 6, 2019

"The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite's Covert War Against the Civilian Population

By Mark. M. Rich
(This book is available at in paperback for $14.00)

Part 1
Collisions and Cut-offs

Although I haven't read "The Hidden Evil" by Mark M. Rich, I have read excerpts from it.
It's a very good book to read if you're interested in organized stalking.
There are very few books that even mention organized stalking, aka "gang stalking." or "cause stalking."
So a book like "The Hidden Evil" is a kind of "diamond in the rough" so to speak.

On this website, we've said a lot about the behavior of  the criminals who engage in this type of stalking, including the tactics used against targeted individuals (TIs)
(See previous blog posts)

In "The Hidden Evil," Mark Rich goes into much greater detail than we have as far as "tactics" used in organized stalking.

From "The Hidden Evil" by Mark Rich
Under the heading, "Tactics"

"Collisions and Cut-offs"

Mark Rich writes:
"The cut-offs I'm talking about here are usually not physical...They're fabricated, but like most Gang Stalking tactics they are designed to look like normal cut-offs that we all experience from time to time.
They can happen with vehicles, on foot, or a combination.
This type of space invasion is designed to startle you and create tension.
It can be thought of as a virtual slap.
They are used in blind areas such as corners, hallways, restrooms or intersections where you conatantly have people cutting you off or almost hitting you.
The perpetrator is unseen until he jumps out in front of you.
This happens in stores, buildings and on the street, with people and vehicles.
Generally anywhere there is a blind corner."

Mr. Rich provides the following example of this tactic:

"You're on foot and approaching a corner of an intersection, which you are about to cross.
You see a vehicle approaching the street you need to cross.
There is plenty of time & distance to avoid this collision.
Anticipating this, you either speed up or slow down.
The vehicle mirrors your actions.
You start to think that maybe this person is occupied with something else & you begin to cross the street.
As you step off the curb, the vehicle speeds up and meets you at the intersection.
The vehicle stops 10 feet from you and the man inside waves you on.
After this you might feel slightly angry, because you know the whole event could have been avoided."

End of "The Hidden Evil" by Mark Rich...Part 1

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