Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Why The New Boss Is Just Like The Old Boss -- Part Four

By Jeff Schechtman
November 13, 2015

(Continued From Part Three of Jeff Schechtman's Interview with Professor Michael Glennon)

"Not to make this political but in a general sense as you look at this, are we better off as a nation electing presidents who understand this double government, who understand the system and who are walking into something that they know, as opposed to those who are more naive about it?"

"I'm not sure it makes much difference, and the reason is -- and I hate to sound so pessimistic -- that I don't know that there is a whole lot that any president can do about it.
I'm not sure that for national security double government purposes it makes a whole lot of difference whether the next president is Hillary Clinton or name the Republican.
Yes, at the margins, the choices will be different, but the momentum that is created by this structure is so great that it would require an extraordinarily unusual and highly improbable confluence of events to lead to the election of a president.
You can hypothesize, look in the past....Maybe somebody like say, for example, a Bobby Kennedy, who was tremendously popular with the public, who understood the national security bureaucracy from the inside out, who was tough-minded, who would not take no for an answer, who would stand up to the managerial network, maybe somebody like that who could grab these institutions by the lapels and tell them 'look, this is what you're going to do,'  maybe somebody like that could turn things around.
It would be a very difficult task.
You wouldn't have Congress or the courts behind him and the public is fearful that these institutions are protecting them and fearful of taking their power away.
The ultimate answer is that in a democracy, people get the quality of government that they deserve and they've got to pick a leader who is able to stand up to it, and I don't see any evidence that they're prepared to do that."

"When Eisenhower talked about the military-industrial complex, is this what he was talking about?"

"Yes, but it's evolved since then.
Eisenhower gave this incredibly important speech - his farewell address - which was overshadowed by the euphoria of John F. Kennedy's inaugural address.
Eisenhower gave this speech you refer to only a few days before Kennedy's inauguration, and so it's been largely forgotten.
But Eisenhower very precisely warned of the emergence of a military-industrial complex.
He suggested a serious threat to democracy and Eisenhower, as I say, having been in a position to know having spent his life in the military, since he graduated from West Point,  presided over all this.
As President he knew better than anybody what the risk was that the nation was confronting, and that risk, I must say, if anything, has expanded since January 1961 when Eisenhower gave that speech
Because the agencies in the intelligence and law enforcement community now operate with far less accountability, and the manpower and payrolls are far, far beyond anything Eisenhower could have imagined, so his warning, of course, was not taken seriously."

Professor Michael Glennon's book is "National Security and Double Government"

To hear the podcast of Jeff Schechtman's  interview with Profesor Michael Glennon or to read the complete transcript, go to:

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Why The New Boss Is Just Like The Old Boss -- Part Three

(Continued from Part Two of Jeff Schechtman's interview with Professor Michael Glennor, author of "National Security and Double Government")

How can this institution of double government with such size move in such consistent lockstep?

That's the $64 million dollar question.
Why does it persist, even in the face of an electoral mandate that insists upon change we can believe in.
The short answer is that there is a series of incentives baked into the American political system that is responsible for this continuity.
You look at one element of the system after the next and you can see what those incentives are.
Members of Congress, for example, secretly have an incentive to please very powerful constituencies and their incentive is to seek reelection above all else.
Judges are inclined to decide in favor of the people who appointed them.
The President and his staff defer to the expertise of the military and intelligence communities.
They don't want another terrorist attack to happen on their watch so the bureaucracy tends to define national security and military terms.
And it's not just the military, it's the civilian appointees as well.
Madeleine Albright famously turned to Colin Powell - when Powell was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - and said: "Why do we have this marvelous military if we don't use it?"
That is the incentive that the civilian employees have because the military - let's face it - is widely respected and extremely proficient at what it does.
The press has an incentive to pull punches rather than lose access.
Access for the presses is everything.
And the people themselves have an incentive to remain uninformed and passive because there's nothing that they can do  to effect these policies.
So this pervasive political ignorance continues, and at the same time there is a negative feedback loop.
The national security apparatus therefore has less and less incentive to want the people to participate because they don't know, the people in government think the people don't know enough about policies to make intelligent recommendations.
Therefore, the bottom line is all these different structural incentives come together in a kind of perfect storm.
There's an overarching incentive not to challenge the status quo, not to change things, to acquiesce to what the intelligence and military and law enforcement bureaucracy want to do.
The result is double government.
It's more complicated than that but that's basically the dynamic.

JEFF SCHECHTMAN: "We talk about World War II, post-World War II 1947 National Security Act is really an inflection point in this: To what extent was 9/11 and the actions post 9/11 another inflection point?"

PROFESSOR GLENNON: "Well, that's a good question...It was a public inflection point.
In fact, many of the programs that were instituted after 9/11 were in the works before 9/11, and the bureaucracy, frankly, was just looking for an opportune moment to push them.
A bulk surveillance by the National Security Agency of the sort that was revealed in the Snowden leaks, is one of those examples of this.
It's not a new idea that was hatched after 9/11, but 9/11 tended to accelerate all these programs and the reason is obvious.
You know, when people feel threatened, when danger is the principal public motivator, the incentive is to short-cut democratic procedures and move to a streamlined efficient way of needing threats.
It's this element and combination of fear and emergency and shortcutting democratic procedures that is as much as anything responsible for the great acceleration of the movement towards double government."


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Why The New Boss Is Just Like The Old Boss -- Part Two

By Jeff Schechtman
November 13, 2015

(Continued From Part One of Jeff Schechtman's interview with Prof. Michael Glennon)

It was the liberal Democrats who were behind (the build up of the  huge national security apparatus).

It didn't take long for this apparatus to begin to take on a life of it's own.
The Hoover Commission in 1949 talked about the Joint Chiefs of Staff being virtually unaccountable.

According to Professor Glennon, Truman recognized exactly what he had created.
As Clark Clifford, his aide and later to become Defense Secretary said, Truman was profoundly distrustful of the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover.
But he thought this was the best way of both ensuring the security of the American people and protecting civil liberties.

Nonetheless, at the end of his presidency after Eisenhower was elected, before Eisenhower was sworn in, Truman recognized what had happened.
He said Eisenhower, the great architect of the invasion of Normandy, the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO in Europe, Eisenhower's going to be so surprised.
He's going to say: "Do this, 'do that' and nothing will happen. He'll be so disappointed."

That was Truman's experience, and of course, that's the experience of presidents today.
Somebody asked the second President Bush what most surprised him about being President and he said at the end of his term, "how little authority I actually have."

Most Americans have an image of the presidency that is anachronistic.
They have a Jeffersonian image of the presidency.
They think of the President as sitting at the top of the pyramid giving orders that trickle down.

Jefferson, when he was President of the United States in 1802 presided over an Executive Branch that included a staff of 132 non-military people.
The whole Executive Branch outside of the military in 1802 consisted of 132 federal employees and the White House staff consisted of one person beyond Jefferson.
So we still have this image of the President giving orders, and those orders being picked up and carried out immediately.

The presidency today is vastly more complicated than that.
The President of course now presides over an Executive Branch of millions of people, but out of those millions of people, there are only 3,000 to 4,000 presidential appointees.
And in the realm of national security that number is down to roughly 600 individuals, people who run the military intelligence, security, and law enforcement agencies in the United States, and instead rely very, very heavily on their subordinates, who of course continue in the same positions from one administration to the next.

That more than anything else is what accounts for the strange continuity in American national security policy.

Look at the number of drone strikes, offensive cyber weapons, whistle-blower prosecutions, the non-prosecution of torturers, CIA covert operations, NSA intelligence, claiming the State Secret's privilege, and on and on.

Virtually nothing has changed from the Bush administration to the Obama administration, 
It is the result of the structure of double government and the reliance of necessarily the presidency itself on the bureaucracy that has come to gargantuan proportions over the past fifty years.


Friday, November 20, 2015

Why The New Boss Is Just Like The Old Boss -- Part One

By Jeff Schechtman
November 13, 2015

Yesterday, November 19, 2015, I posted a review of Professor Michael Glennon's book, "National Security and Double Government".

Today, I will expound on what Professor Glennon wrote in "National Security and Double Government."

In earlier posts on this Blog, I tried to provide victims of organized stalking (aka gang stalking) with some basic information about the "who, what, why where and how' of organized stalking, including the Church Committee Report on US Intelligence Agencies and the FBI's COINTELPRO  counter-intelligence program of the 1950s & 1960s, which was declared to be illegal by Congress during the 1970s, but which continues to this day.

I named some names of intelligence agency officials who became whistle-blowers after finding themselves being "targeted" by the same intelligence agencies they used to work for.

For anyone who truly wants to know more about organized stalking, I would suggest that they read the previous posts on this website.

Reading what former intelligence agency officials such as M. Wesley Swearingen, Bob Levin and others have to say about how they became targeted individuals (TIs) is extremely important for anyone who might be interested in just what the hell organized stalking is all about, whether they are a victim of this type of stalking or not.

I won't repeat what was written in previous posts on this website;
 however, if one wants to see the "patterns' of this type of stalking, one needs to go back and see what I posted before, as it ties in directly with what I'm posting here today.

The following  excerpts are from Jeff Schechtman's interview with Professor Michael Glennon, presented here in four parts.

To read a transcript of the entire interview, go to:


Candid Academic Admits Democracy Thwarted By Unseen Security Elite

The "Double Government" was "born" during the post-war period of the late 1940s under President Truman.

It was Truman who, in a secret executive order, established the National Security Agency.

It was Truman who presided over the National Security State with the enactment of the National Security Act of 1947, which set up the National Security Council.

The National Security Act established the Central Intelligence Agency, and consolidated the powers of the military and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which was intended to cut down on intra service internecine warfare, but really had quite the opposite effect.

And this little national security apparatus -- little in 1947 -- became in the fullness of time a behemoth that now consists of 46 different intelligence agencies, that are located at 2,000 places around the country with 10,000 different private entity corporations that participate as private contractors, and oversees a budget that is probably around $1 trillion a year - the exact amount is classified.

Over 5 million people in the United States now have security clearances - about 3 million of them top-secret clearances - so that the manpower and budgets of these agencies are enormous.

The politics were very much reversed in the 1940s during the Truman administration than they are today.

Warnings were sounded not by liberal Democrats but by conservative Republicans.

The conservative Republican leaders in the Senate and House of Representatives warned that Truman's reforms would lead to what they said the establishment of an American Gestapo, of a general staff at the head of the armed forces comparable to that of the Wehrmacht that we had just defeated, of the Pentagon that was out of control with the objective of padding it's budget's and manpower.
They warned of the United States moving into what they called a garrison state, and it was liberal Democrats like Paul Douglas, the Senator from Illinois, and Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, who sided with Truman and said:
"we've got to be on guard of the Soviet Union and recognize that Stalin could strike at any moment...Democracy threatened anywhere in the world is a threat to the United States and we've got to build up this huge national security apparatus."

It was the liberal Democrats who were behind that.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

"National Security and Double Government" - by Michael J. Glennon

After World War II,  with the Soviet Union a serious threat from abroad and a growing domestic concern about weakened civilian control over the military, President Truman set out to create a separate security structure.

Book Review

"National Security and Double Government" by Michael J. Glennon
(Oxford University Press)

Boston Globe
October 18, 2014
By Mickey Edwards (Globe Correspondent)

It has long been the province of conspiracy theorists to claim that the real power of government is not wielded by the obvious practitioners of statecraft --- presidents, members of Congress, the judiciary --- but by secret or semi-secret entities, real wizards whose hidden machinations send us to war, sell us out to enemies, siphon public treasure into private hands.
Depending on your talk show or paranoia of choice, these are the bankers, oil-barons, one-worlders, war profiteers, Bilderbergers, Masons, Catholics, Jews, or Trilateralists.
Our formal institutions, in this scenario, are stage sets, Potemkin villages; our officials are puppets, we are an unsuspecting audience.

Michael Glennnon, a respected academic, is hardly the sort to engage in such fantasies.
And that makes the picture he paints in "National Security and Double Government" all the more arresting.

Considering Barack Obama's harsh pre-election criticisms of his predecessor's surveillance policies, for example, Glennon notes that many of those same policies -- and more of the same kind -- were continued after Obama took office.
"Why," he asks, "does national security policy remain constant even when one President is replaced by another, who as a candidate repeatedly, forcefully and eloquently promised fundamental changes in that policy?"

The answer Glennon places before us is not reassuring: "a bifurcated system -- a structure of double government -- in which the President now exercises little substantive control over the overall direction of US national security policy."
The result, he writes, is a system of dual institutions that have evolved "toward greater centralization, less accountability, and emergent autocracy."

If this were a movie, it would soon become clear that some evil force, bent on consolidating power and undermining democratic governance, has surreptitiously tunneled into the under-structure of the nation.

Not so.

In fact, Glennon observes, this hyper-secret and difficult-to-control network arose in part as an attempt to head off such an outcome.

In the aftermath of World War II, with the Soviet Union a serious threat from abroad and a growing domestic concern about weakened civilian control over the military 
(in 1949, the Hoover Commission had warned that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had become "virtually a law unto themselves"), President Truman set out to create a separate national security structure.

By 2011, according to the Washington Post, there were 46 separate federal departments and agencies and 2,000 private companies engaged in classified national security operations with millions of employees and spending roughly a trillion dollars a year.

As Glennon points out, presidents get to name fewer than 250 political appointees among the Defense Department's nearly 700,000 civilian employees, with hundreds more drawn from a national security bureaucracy that comprise "America's Trumanite network" -- in effect, on matters of national security, a second government.

Or Google:..
 "National  Security and Double Government" by Michael Glennon...Boston Globe review by Mickey Edwards, Globe Correspondent, October 18, 2014

Michael Glennon is a Professor of Internationale Law at Tuft's University, and was Legal Council to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Targeted Individuals - TELL YOUR STORY!

We who are victims of organized stalking, group stalking, gang stalking, multi-stalking or whatever you wish to call it, need to TELL OUR STORIES to newspapers, magazines, talk shows, news websites, Hollywood actors, producers, & directors, and, most importantly, to JOURNALISTS and INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS, because they have the power to tell the world about the horror we go through every day, 24/7..365 days a year.

Here is a list of some of the  most influential journalists of today, as reported by the New York Film Academy

Write to them (Most of them have written books & you can write to them via the book's publisher)

Send them e-mails..make them as brief as possible, provide references to any articles you think are important, include links to any articles, books or websites you think are important.

"The 12 Most Influential Journalists Of Today"

New York Film Academy
April 16, 2015

 Robert Fisk

British journalist who was one of the very few people to ever interview Osama Bin Laden, and who was the Middle east correspondent for The Independent (UK) for 20 years.

 Christiane Amanpour

Currently the Global Affairs Editor for ABC News as well as the Chief International Correspondent for CNN International (Organized stalking is taking place all over the world)

Bob Woodward

Investigative reporter who, along with Carl Bernstein, won the Pulitzer Prize fro Public Service Reporting for the Washington Post in 1972 by exposing the Watergate scandal.
Woodward also contributed towards the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting on the 9/11 Attacks.
(If we could get him to begin an investigation of organized stalking, the world would finally know about "America's Most Ignored Crime")

Anderson Cooper

Former anchor on CNN, Cooper currently host of  his own show "Anderson Cooper 360", he has won numerous awards for journalism, including The Peabody Award and four Emmy Awards.

Diane Sawyer

Host of numerous ABC new shows, she has won two Emmy Awards, the Peabody Award, and the
Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award.
(Most organized stalking victims are women, so she might be willing to investigate OS)

Glenn Greenwald

He won the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service in 2014 along with numerous other international awards for excellence in journalism.
He is a co- founders of The Intercept, a privately-financed investigative journalism venture.
If we could get The Intercept to launch it's own investigation of organized stalking, the whole world would finally become aware of this type of stalking.
Other co-founders of The Intercept are journalists Jeremy Scahill and Laura Poitras.

Jon Stewart

Although technically not a "journalist" perse, Stewart is considered one of media's most influential personalities amongst the younger demographic, through his coverage on pressing social and political issues.
With Stewart at the helm for 20 seasons,  "The Daily Show" won two Peabody Awards.
Besides being a political satirist, he is also a director, producer, actor, comedian, and media critic
If we could get Jon Stewart to "look into" America's Most Ignored Crime, that would be outstanding.
If he chose to, Jon Stewart could produce and/or direct and/or act in a movie about organized stalking; something that the low-life scumbags who engage in this type of stalking would not like at all.
Jon Stewart left "The Daily Show", but you can do a Google search on him and find a way to contact him, perhaps through his book publisher.

Thursday, November 5, 2015



Those of us who are victims of organized stalking, aka "gang stalking"..know that very few reporters, newspapers or magazines have the courage to publish any stories about this insidious type of stalking,

Thus, we are victims of "America's Most Ignored Crime." has done some excellent stories about organized stalking, as has the now-defunct "Now"

With those two exceptions, the media has totally ignored organized stalking.

We can do something about this.

We MUST do something about this; or we will have to endure the daily horror of being a "targeted individual" (TI) or victim of this type of stalking

Google :"Investigative Reporters" and contact any and all you come across.

E-mail them at their websites and politely ask them to "please investigate organized stalking".

If you prefer to use one of the other terms used to describe this type of stalking & harassment, then please do so...e.g. "Please investigate gang stalking" or "Please investigate Multi-Stalking"

The more concise your e-mail, the better.

The shorter it is, the better your chance of having someone actually read it.

You don't need to tell your life story, just try to summarize in a few words what you go through every day at the hands of the criminals who engage in this type of stalking, including any attempts you may have had to get help from your local police.

Jack Anderson was a great investigative journalist; but he's dead; so is I. F. "Izzy" Stone.
However, there are many other investigative journalists around, as well as many colleges and universities that have Journalism Departments.

Write to all of them!
Download  printed information on this type of stalking and then send it everywhere!

E-mail as many magazines, newspapers radio and TV shows that you can think of.

Don't just sit there and put up with the harassment and "psy ops torture' that we as TIs have to endure every single day, 365 days a year, 24/7/

Don't be a martyr.

Don't be an "easy target" for these low-life thugs who like to terrorize you every day.

Use Google searches a lot.

Do your own "investigative work" and send e-mails to all the newspapers, magazines and news websites that you can think of.

Hare  are some places where you can start.

1) The Nation Institute has a website called: "The Investigative Fund"

2) Investigative Reporters and Editors

3) International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

4) The Guardian

5) The Intercept

6) Rolling Stone Magazine\

7) The Huffington Post

8) The New York Times

8) The Washington Post

9) The Los Angeles Times

Also write letters to the editor of your local newspapers, or even to national newspapers, they may not publish your letter, but it's worth a try.

Write or e-mail your favorite magazines as well, and ask them to please investigate the untold story of organized stalking, or multi-stalking, or gang stalking....use whichever term you prefer to use.

Write or call your local, state and federal representatives, including your Congressperson and both of your U.S. Senators.

If you e-mail them, ask for a reply.

Ask them to please consider Congressional action to hold bi-partisan hearings on the Intelligence community, something that is long overdue.

Use your creativity to "get the word out" about organized stalking.

Call in to talk shows.

Go to your favorite talk show websites, and leave a message there.

Some syndicated radio and.or TV talk shows who may want to investigate this type of stalking include:

-- The Thom Hartmann Show (You can post your own Blog here...Tell your own story about being a victim of this type of stalking)

-  The Rachel Maddow Show (E-mails)

    to send letters, articles etc:

    If you have photos or videos to upload, send them to:

   Or Google: The Rachel Maddow Show

-- The Stephanie Miller Show

-- The Ed Schultz Show

The point here is to get the word out that this type of stalking is REAL; and yet it is being ignored by the police, the media, Congress, The White House, local, state and federal politicians etc.

Get hold of a copy of the Justice Department's 2009 Special Report on Stalking:
"Stalking Victimization in the United States" (Pub # NCJ 224527)
You can Google it.

Also Google:
"Gang Stalking: New DOJ-FOIA Documents Prove DOJ Knows Truth"

Also Google:
"Who's Killing All The Good Guys?" (

Read all of the previous posts on this website, and use them in your e-mails & letters; don't forget to include all references and sources.

Don't just sit back and take it!

Don't let the criminals who stalk, harass & torture you with psi-ops torture techniques every day get away with it!

Tell the world what it's like to be a Targeted Individual (TI)

Tell everyone who will listen what these low-life cowards do to you every single day, and if surveillance aircraft are being used against you, tell them about that too.

Write letters!

Send E-mails!

Make phone calls!


Good luck!

Friday, October 30, 2015

WANTED: Hollywood Producers, Directors or Actors with the Courage To Make a Movie about Organized Stalking

Webster's New World Dictionary defines "courage" as:
"the quality of mind or character that makes a person able to face danger, pain, or trouble without fear; bravery."

The criminals who engage in organized stalking, aka "gang stalking" are ruthless in their methods and tactics, and they don't want anyone "rocking the boat" as it were.

They LIKE the fact that, for the most part, the American people know little or nothing about this insidious type of stalking.

A well-produced, fact-based  Hollywood movie about this type of stalking is something that these evil-doers would certainly not like, because it would "shine the light" of publicity on them.

Publicity is something they certainly don't want or need.

They are like cockroaches....turn the light on, and they all scatter.

So it would take someone with real courage to make a film about organized stalking, (or gang stalking, or "multi-stalking" or whatever one wishes to call it), because these low-life scumbags would do whatever is necessary to quash such a movie project before it even got off the ground.

Of course, the low-level perps who actually do the stalking, harassing & torture (using proven psy- ops techniques) are just following orders.

These street thugs don't choose their "targets"

Their targets are chosen by higher-ups who "call the shots."

They don't choose the methods of harassment & torture either.

They are TOLD what to do, and who to do it to.

Told by whom?

Who gives these low-life criminals their orders?

Who pays these evil-doers?

Who are the "powers that be" who "call the shots"?

Whoever they are, one thing is certain...they like things the way they are now

They like the fact that the vast majority of Americans know little or nothing about this horrific type of cockroaches, they prefer a dark room, without any light

Despite the fact that the United States Department of Justice has estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of "multi-stalker" victims every year, Organized Stalking, aka Gang Stalking, is something that the American people know little or nothing about.
( 2009 DOJ Special Report: "Stalking Victimization in the United States" Pub.# NCJ--224527)

American mainstream media never reports on this type of stalking.

Local, state and federal law enforcement usually doesn't even regard this type of stalking as a "real crime"

When a single stalker victim goes to the police they are listened to, reports are typed up, Restraining Orders are issued etc.

When a multiple stalker victim goes to the police they are usually treated as if they had a mental illness or were being "paranoid" because even THINKING that a group of total strangers would be stalking and harassing them is regarded by most police departments as being something that only a crazy person would allege.

When a single stalker victim contacts the Justice Department-funded National Victim's of Crime, (NVC) they are given referrals to support groups, referrals to other governmental and private agencies, and more.

When a multi-stalking victim contacts NVC, they are told that "NVC does not provide any direct assistance to victims of multi-stalker incidents."

OVC gets thousands of calls every month from "victims of multi-stalker incidents"
(Google: "Who's Getting Thousands of Gang Stalking Calls Every Month?")

In other words, the taxpayer-funded National Victims of Crime does not provide any assistance to the "nut-cases" who claim that they are being followed and harassed by a GROUP of stalkers as opposed to being stalked by only one person.

Most people think of "gang stalking" is something that "gangs' do.

Occasionally,  neighborhood "street gangs" may harass & stalk certain people,
 perhaps because the person once called the police on them, or because the person might testify against one of the gang members, or the person may have done something or said something to a gang member that was perceived as "disrespectful".

But, for the most part, "gang stalking" has little to do with street gangs.

The methods used by the criminals who engage in this type of stalking usually follow a certain pattern...a pattern that is pretty much the same regardless of where the victim or "target" lives.

So, a "targeted individual" (TI) living in Florida will have to endure the same type of harassment and stalking as a TI living in California.

It's probably not a coincidence that many of the methods used by gang stalkers today are the same methods used against communists, dissenters, and anti-war activists back in the 1950s & 1960s in J. Edgar Hoover's FBI counter-intelligence program called COINTELPRO.

These COINTELPRO-type activities might include any or all of the following:
Vandalism, break-ins, thefts, arson, frame-ups, set-ups, false accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, overt or covert threats, vehicles driving up and down the victim's street, suspicious persons sitting in vehicles watching the victim's home, annoyance phone calls, noise campaigns (honking of car horns etc.) and a variety of other tactics used to create fear and to cause distress to the victim.

Gang stalking, organized stalking, group stalking, vengeance stalking, multi-stalking or whatever one wishes to call it,  is AMERICA'S MOST IGNORED CRIME!

One way to make more people aware of this little-known (but very real ) crime is by a major Hollywood producer, director or actor making a movie about this type of stalking.....something that  has never been done.

If a well-known Hollywood producer, director, or actor decided to make a full-length Hollywood movie about gang stalking, then many more people would at least become aware of this crime.

The more realistic the movie is, the better it would be.

A movie about this type of stalking based on the facts would help the estimated 350,000 victims of this type of stalking,
Actually, 350,000 is a conservative figure, and it's possible that the actual number of victims of this type of stalking is much higher.
(Google: "Gang Stalking: New DOJ -FOIA Documents Prove DOJ Knows the Truth")

I can think of nothing that would help victims of this type of stalking more than if a Hollywood movie were made, realistically and not in a "sensationalized" way.

If a realistic, well-produced, well-directed movie were made about organized stalking,  the magazines, newspapers radio and  TV stations of this country would HAVE to begin covering this type of stalking.

Also, police departments around the country would be more willing  to treat multi-stalking victims the same way they now treat single-stalker victims.

All it would take is ONE famous actor, producer or director to get such a project off the ground.

It only takes ONE famous Hollywood person to get this done.

A well-produced, well-directed film about this type of stalking could bring in millions of dollars as well, so any actor, producer or director who might be encouraged to make such a movie would be well compensated for it.

I would encourage anyone who is a victim of this type of stalking to write out a list of their own favorite actors, directors and producers, and write then a letter, or send them an e-mail, and BEG them to at least CONSIDER making such a movie.

Use the lists I've provided below, if you want to.

E-mail addresses of famous people are usually impossible to get.
However, most Hollywood actors, producers and directors have their own websites, so you may be able to leave an e-mail message at their website.

In addition, many actors, producers and directors have written books, so you might be able to get a letter to them via the book's publisher.
Go to their website and check to see if they've written a book..If they have, find out the name of the book's publisher, and a Google search of that publisher can get you the publisher's address.

You could send letters to them using the book publisher's address.

For example:
John Doe
c/o Acme Publishers
1234 Main St.
New York, N.Y. (don't forget the zip code)

Use proper English, spell your words correctly, and be succinct.
Don't ramble on and on.
Don't try to tell them your life story.
The briefer the letter or e-mail, the more likelihood that it will actually be read by someone.

(Sample e-mail or letter)

"Dear ____, I am a huge fan of yours.
I especially loved your performance in _____
Please consider doing a movie about gang stalking; America's most ignored crime.
A well-produced movie about this type of stalking would greatly help GS victims because of the publicity it would generate.
Thanks very much,

Of course, the above is just a sample letter; you should word your letter the way you want to, but don't make it too long, 
As I said before, the briefer the better, and this goes for any e-mail messages you may leave at a celebrity's website as well.

Here are some well-known Hollywood actors who, if they chose to do so, could get such a project started...(Note: many of these actors also produce and/or direct films)

Robert DiNiro (Could he be lured out of retirement to produce, direct or act in such a film?)
Robert Redford (Hollywood producer-director, as well as actor)
Gene Hackman
Billy Bob Thornton
Sean Penn
Al Pacino
Meryl Streep
Reeese Witherspoon
Renee Zellweger
Matt Damon
Leonardo DiCapprio
Denzel Washington
Brad Pitt
George Clooney
Jodie Foster
Billy Crystal
Sean Connery
Sandra Bullock
Will Smith
Lisa Kudrow
Bill Murray
Brian Doyle Murray
Alec Baldwin
Henry Winkler
Michael Keaton
Steve Martin
Debra Winger
Russell Crowe
John Goodman
Linda Florintino
Liam Neesan
Lolita Davidovich
John Lithgow
Dan Aykroyd
Josh Brolin
Meg Ryan
Val Kilner
Jamie Foxx
Nicolas Cage
Ben Kingsley
Jim Carrey
John Travolta
Danny Devito
Curt Russell
Martin Sheen
Charlie Sheen'
Emilio Estevez
Kevin Costner
Angelina Jolie
Ving Rhames
Frances McDormand
Joe Pantanliano
Scarlett Johanson
Samuel L. Jackson
Charlize Theron
Kevin Bacon
Ed Harris
William H. Macy
James Franco
Lily Tomlin
Steve Buscemi
Greg Kinnear
Goldie Hawn
Kate Hudson
Jeff Goldblum
Keanu Reeves
Rob Schneider
Gary Sinise
Seth Rogan
Gary Cole
Rosie Perez
Danny McBride
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Kristin Johnston
Ben Stiller
Billy Crudup
Frank Whaley
Ed Begley Jr.
Christian Bale
Lance Hendrikson
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Jake Gyllenhaal
Matt Dillon
Melinda Dillon
Kevin Dillon
Bill Paxton
Jane Curtin
Kathleen Quinlan
Rick Moranis
Dennis Quaid
Harry Shearer
Michael Madsen
Andrea Roth
Vera Farmiga
French Stewart
Connie Nielsen
Peter Fonda
Lucas Haas
Jane Fonda
John Cleese
Kevin Kline
Ben Afleck
Robert Duvall
Annette Bening
Christian Slater
Courtney B. Vance 
Bruce Dern
Adam Beach
Daniel Craig
Liev Schreiber
Denis Leary
Taylor Negron
Peter Coyote
Gary Burghoff
Leslie Mann
Mike Farrell
Michael Pena
Jamie Farr 
Loretta Switt
Alan Alda
Amber Heard
Julia Louis Dreyfus
Madison Davenport
Kate Vernon
Steve Carell
Dolph Lundgren
Liana Liberato
Kathryn Erbe
Dana Barron
Emma Watson
Jennifer Aniston
Denis Leary
Janeane Garofalo
(And the list goes on)
Write or e-mail your favorite actors, and ask them to please make a movie about gang stalking,
"America's Most ignored Crime"

Here are some producers and directors who might want to make a movie about gang stalking.

Michael Moore (Documentary about gang stalking?)\
The Coen Brothers
John Waters
Steven Spielberg
Martin Scorsese
Oliver Stone
Clint Eastwood
Wes Anderson
Quentin Tarantino
Robert Altman
Bernie Brillstein
Ron Howard
Rob Reiner
Francis Ford Coppola
Ridley Scott
Judd Apatow
John Woo
David O. Russell
Terrence Malick
Mary Tyler Moore
Jon Favreau
Chris Carter
Oprah Winfrey
Paul Thomas Anderson
Jake Kasdan
Brian Grazer
Kathryn Bigelow
Bennett Miller
Christopher Nolan
Richard Linklater
David Fincher
Alfonso Cuaron
Edward Zwick
Brad Grey
Mark Joffe
Sophis Coppola
(And the list goes on)
Write or e-mail your favorite producers and directors and ask them to make a movie about
gang stalking..."America's Most Ignored Crime" (Not a bad title for such a film)

The criminals who engage in organized stalking like the fact that few Americans know that this type of stalking is really taking place..all over America.

They like the fact that they can stalk, harass and use "Psy Ops" torture techniques on us 
(e.g. sleep deprivation)  with complete impunity, because they know that the police will do nothing to stop them

They do not want any "light" shone on organized stalking, or gang stalking, or whatever you wish to call it..
(They are like cockroaches... they scatter when the "light is turned on them.")

 A well-produced Hollywood movie about this type of stalking would not make the "perps" happy at all, because they don't want the American people to know the extent of this type of stalking.

The criminals who engage in this type of stalking like things the way they are now.

But we can change all that by getting just one well-known Hollywood actor, producer or director with the courage to make a film about organized stalking.

If that happened,  the American people would know what we go through every single day, 24/7,  365 days a year, at the hands of the evil, low-life criminal thugs.

If enough of us write letters to Hollywood celebrities asking them to just CONSIDER making a movie about this type of stalking, it may just happen.

If we do nothing, four things will happen:

1) The American people will continue to be unaware of the horror we go through every day.

2) The police will continue to ignore us and will continue to treat us like crazy people when we go to them asking for help.

3) The mainstream media will continue to ignore organized stalking

4) The criminals who engage in this type of stalking will continue to act with impunity, knowing that the police will do nothing to stop them.

As Goethe said: "Be bold...and mighty forces will come to your aid."

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Organized Stalking is a Federal Crime

US Code: Title 18 
Section: 241.
Conspiracy Against Rights

" If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise of or the enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of him having so exercised the same;
 or if two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise of enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured --
They shall be fined under this Title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death."

(Google:"America's Forgotten Anti-Gangstalking Law: USC: 18 Section 241")

Monday, October 19, 2015

Recommended Websites, Articles & Books


There are many websites on the topic of organized stalking OS), gang stalking (GS),  multi-stalking, group stalking, or whatever you want to call it.

Many OS websites are bogus and filled with dis-information.

Some OS websites are run by the gang stalkers themselves.

Most of the so-called Organized Stalking or Gang Stalking "Victims; Websites" are also bogus.

If you are truly a Targeted Individual (TI), proceed with caution when surfing the web looking for legitimate "Gang Stalking Victims" websites, because legitimate GS victims' websites are few and far between.

Never give your real name when "registering" at any GS or OS website.

Use an e-mail account separate from your personal e-mail account when registering at any OS or GS website.

Here are some "legitimate" websites on the topic of Organized Stalking, aka, Gang Stalking:

The following websites have some good information on Organized Stalking, aka Gang Stalking.

More good websites are listed on the "Fight Gang Stalking" website
(Click on "Recommended Websites")

I also recommend the website


There are many good articles on the topic of Organized Stalking, below are just a few:

" Let's Kill All The Good Guys" by Deborah Dupree (

"Gang Stalking: New DOJ FOIA Documents Prove DOJ Knows The Truth" by Peacefrog
(Now no longer exists, but this excellent article can be easily found through a Google search of the article's title.

"Stalking Victimization in the United States" (Pub # NCJ 224527)

"Freedom Of Information Request No. 10-00169 to DOJ Office of Justice Programs
via a letter received at DOJ's Office of Justice Programs, March 22, 2010 
By attorney Keith Labella
(This document can be obtained via a Google search)

"Who's Getting Thousands Of Gang Stalking Reports A Month?" by Keith Labella
(Google Article Title)

"Organized Stalking Story Suggesting City Government Complicity" by Eleanor White
(This document can be obtained via a Google search) has other articles on Organized Stalking

"America's Most Ignored Crime"


There are very few books written on Organized Stalking, but I can highly recommend one book:
"My Life Changed Forever" by Elizabeth Sullivan ( has it)

There is another book on the subject, but read it with skepticism:
"Terrorist Stalking in America" by David Lawson
Also "Cause Stalking in America" by David Lawson (May be out of print)

"1996" by Gloria Naylor (Fiction)

"Chameleo" by Robert Guffey
(George Knapp interviewed Robert Guffey on Coast to Coast AM Radio Show on Sept. 20, 2015)

"Bridging The Gap" by GmB Bailey (Read with skepticism)

"Closing The Gap" by GmB Bailey (Read with skepticism)

"The Hidden Evil" by Mark M. Rich (Read with skepticism)

"A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America" by John Hall (Read with skepticism)

"Project Soul Catcher" by Robert Duncan (Read with skepticism)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Organized Stalking Terms Defined

TI --   Targeted Individual......Victims of Organized Stalking are often referred to as "targeted individuals"

PERP --  Perpetrators .....Those criminals who engage in Organized Stalking.

GAS LIGHTING ---   The term "Gas Lighting" originates from the 1944 film "Gaslight"...In the movie,
a husband (Charles Boyer) attempts to drive his wife (Ingrid Bergman) insane.
"Gas Lighting" simply is trying to convince a targeted individual that they are "crazy"
or "imagining things" or being "paranoid."

STREET THEATER ---  "Street Theater" is a term used to describe what organized stalkers often do to their victims while they are "out in the world" doing ordinary things, such as
shopping, taking a walk, sitting on a park bench, waiting for a bus, and etc.
One of the favorite techniques of the Perps is to follow their victim into a store orsupermarket and then arrange to be just in front of their victim as they wait in line
at the checkout counter...Often a second Perp will be behind the victim, and will
try to "crowd" the victim, or "push the victim forward" a little, causing the victim to
feel very uncomfortable....The Perp in front will often do something to cause the
line to stop or to delay the line from moving by requesting that the clerk do a
"price-check" or tell the clerk that he or she "forgot something" or some other littl
thing that will cause the line to stop, thus delaying the victim for a time, since the
victim is stuck in line directly behind the Perp.

WORKPLACE MOBBING ---  Workplace Mobbing is a term used to describe how a victim's
co-workers will sometimes "gang up" on the victim by saying things about
the victim that are not true or spreading falsehoods about the victim
throughout the workplace, with the intent being to put the victim on the
defensive or to cause trouble for the victim, especially trouble that might
cause the victim to lose their job.

COMMUNITY MOBBING ---  Similar to "Workplace Mobbing"  Community Mobbing occurs when
neighbors or others deliberately lie about the victim to other neighbors,
such as suggesting that the victim is a "drug dealer" or a "pedophile"
or some other type of "slander campaign" against the victim, which causes
the victim to feel isolated and/or friendless on his or her street, or in his or
her neighborhood or apartment building etc.

NOISE CAMPAIGN ---   Noise Campaigns are an organized effort to produce stress in an individual.
Car horns, the playing of very loud music by neighbors or by cars going by
the victim's home, or loud shouting at the victim from cars going by, or by
small children screaming loudly while walking by the victim's house.with their parents.
Often Noise Campaigns will begin at the same time each day, so that the victim
will endure additional stress anticipating the loud noises that will start, before
 they actually do start.

SLAMMING ---   "Slamming" is a term I use to describe those days when the organized stalking is
"ratcheted -up" a notch or two...In other words, when there is a detectable "increase"
in the harassment of a TI, with MORE vehicles driving back & forth in front of the
victim's home, or MORE noise than usual, or MORE surveillance planes flying over
the victim's home,,,,,,Helicopters are sometimes used to "fly over" a victim's home to
put even more stress on the victim, and to "frighten" the victim during a "Slamming."
As the Associated Press has recently reported, FBI surveillance aircraft have been
sighted flying at low altitude over American cities and rural areas,,,These aircraft have
been traced to "dummy companies" set up by the FBI to hide the fact that they are in
fact owned and operated by the FBI itself.
(I have posted blogs recently on this site about the FBI's widespread use of such
"secret" and illegal surveillance planes)

There are more terms used to describe the different techniques that the criminals who engage in organized stalking use against their "targets"...and they can be found by a simple Google search.


Thursday, June 18, 2015


Fortress America
June 12, 2015

"FBI Admits It uses Fake Companies to Fly Surveillance Over U.S. Cities"

An Associated Press investigation has forced the FBI to admit that it uses at least 13 dummy corporations with planes to fly low-and-slow aerial spy missions over U.S. cities.

The agency's domestic flying operations have garnered headlines before, as when it's planes were caught over Baltimore during the recent unrest, or when FBI aircraft tried (and reportedly failed) to assist in catching Faisal Shahzad, the wannabe Times Square bomber.

But the Associated Press story suggests the federales are more brazen and less accountable, than you could even imagine.

"The planes' surveillance equipment is generally used without a judge's approval, and the FBI said the flights are used for specific, ongoing investigations.
The FBI said it uses front companies to protect the safety of the pilots and aircraft.
It also shields the identity of the aircraft so that suspects on the ground don't know they're being watched by the FBI.
In a recent 30-day period, the agency flew above more than 30 cities in 11 states, an AP review found.
Details confirmed by the FBI track closely with published reports since at least 2003 that a government surveillance program might be behind suspicious-looking planes slowly circling neighborhoods."

How is it done?

With a fleet of Cessnas and a simple flight procedure:

"The AP traced at least 50 aircraft back to the FBI, and identified more than 100 flights since last April orbiting both major cities and rural areas.
One of the planes, photographed in flight by the AP in northern Virginia, bristled with unusual antennas under it's fuselage and a camera on it's left side.
A federal budget document from 2010 mentioned at least 115 planes, including 90 Cessna aircraft, in the FBI's surveillance fleet.
Most flight patterns occurred in counter-clockwise orbits up to several miles wide and roughly one mile above the ground at slow speeds.
A 2003 newsletter from the company FLIR Systems Inc..which makes camera technology such as seen on the planes, described flying slowly in left-handed patterns."

Most of the aircraft registrations, the AP said, are signed by a Robert Lindley, who "is listed as chief executive and has at least three distinct signatures among the companies."
Those would be the "13 front companies that AP identified being actively used by the FBI and are registered to post office boxes in Bristow, Virginia," right by a municipal airport.

The most hideously shameless part of the FBI's subterfuge, however, may have come when it begged the AP to protect it's dummy corporations.

"The FBI asked the AP not to disclose the names of the fake companies it uncovered, saying that would saddle taxpayers with the expense of creating new cover companies to shield the government's involvement, and could endanger the planes and the integrity of the surveillance missions."

The AP laughed that one off and has posted documents on-line where you can read the names of all the FBI fake companies, including NG Research, the one that did the Baltimore surveillance last month.

See photo, more links:

Sunday, June 7, 2015

What An NYPD Spy Copter Reveals About The FBI Spy Planes

Wired Magazine
June 5, 2015

It should have surprised no one that  the FBI has a secret fleet of spy planes it uses domestically to watch us,  as the Associated Press reported this week.
WIRED published a story about surveillance aircraft spotted flying in unusual patterns in California and Virginia back in 2006.
And the Wall Street Journal reported last year that the U.S. Marshall's Service has surveillance planes that use so-called "dirtboxes" to track mobile phone users on the ground.

But long before this, the New York Police Department had a high-tech helicopter that it obtained in 2003 through a government grant and exposed publicly to the media that year when it gave journalists a tour of the  $10 million dollar toy.

WIRED began investigating the chopper in 2008, and uncovered, but hasn't published until now, information about the precise surveillance components installed on it and the methods the NYPD used to conceal it's ownership and operation.
Like the FBI, the NYPD used a shell company to register the aircraft.
But the NYPD also requested special "undercover" registration handling from the FAA to thwart tracking by aviation enthusiasts who might spot it in the air and attempt to investigate the registration number associated with it.
The NYPD also asked the FAA to notify it's aviation unit if anyone contacted the agency inquiring about the aircraft.

Last month, the use of secret law enforcement aircraft began getting attention after plane spotters around the country began reporting suspicious aircraft registered to shell companies that were flying unusual routes over numerous cities.
The Associated Press caught on to the stories and this week published it's own piece identifying some 50 surveillance craft that were registered to more than a dozen shell companies.and were being used by FBI field offices around the country.

The response to that story has been mixed.
Some readers were shocked by the secret flights and Big Brother surveillance; others scoffed at the alarm the AP appeared to be inciting, arguing that spy planes are just another surveillance tool law enforcement uses to monitor suspects in areas, or for lengths of time, they couldn't otherwise monitor through conventional means by foot or car.
For example, authorities used a special surveillance helicopter with thermal imaging equipment in 2013 to spot the Boston Marathon bomber as he lay hidden beneath a tarp covering a stored boat.

But regardless of the utility of high-tech surveillance aircraft, their use raises serious questions about how many agencies are operating them in the U.S. and how exactly they're being used and to what end.

The AP story didn't provide much detail about the technology aboard the FBI planes, other than to note that some carry imaging systems that can capture "video from long distances, even at night," while others have stingrays or dirtboxes on board to capture cellphone signals.

But detailed information about what the NYPD has on board it's spy copter is available and can serve to further enlighten.
The New York Police Department is the nation's largest local law enforcement agency, and it generally leads the way in acquisition of modern equipment.
Where it goes, the rest of the country tends to follow.
So an examination of it's aerial surveillance capabilities can be instructive for understanding what other law enforcement agencies around the country may be using.

The NYPD's surveillance activities can also be instructive for another reason.
The department has repeatedly been criticized for it's over-zealous spy programs --including at least one documented case involving it's spy copter.
So concerns about abuse of such aircraft is not unfounded.

The public first learned about the NYPD's Bell 412EP surveillance helicopter in 2003 when a regional New York newspaper published a small story unveiling the recently purchased $9.8 million "jewel."
The specially modified chopper, which the department kept parked at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, was unmarked -- meaning it carried no insignia identifying it as law enforcement aircraft.
Acquired through a Justice department grant, it was customized with a photo-and-video-surveillance system capable of capturing clear images of license plates -- or the faces of individuals -- from 1,000 feet away.
It could even, the story noted, "pick up the catcher's signals at Yankee Stadium."

It was described as the "most advanced in use by any police force" at the time, and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly noted that it would be used to fight conventional crime, conduct search-and-rescue missions and "play a key role in anti-terrorism efforts."

The NYPD referred to the helicopter only as "23" -- a reference to the number of police officers killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks -- and initially the aircraft had no registration number printed on it's tail or side.'
In later investigating the aircraft, WIRED learned that in 2003 the NYPD asked the FAA to change the original registration number from N2411X to a special one containing the "23" reference -- N23FH (believed to be a reference to "23 fallen Heroes").
NYPD Deputy Inspector Joseph Gallucci also wrote the FAA at the time asking that the registration be handled in an "undercover" manner, and that "any inquiries to the registration number be flagged" and referred to Robert Kikel in the NYPD's Aviation Unit.

WIRED obtained documents for the aircraft only after learning the original registration number and filing a FOIA request to the FAA.

Five years after that 2003 story was published, the public learned more about the technology installed on the helicopter from an Associated Press article published in 2008.
That piece described three flat-screen monitors onboard that were displaying Statue of Liberty sightseers from a mile and a half away.
It also described the high-powered camera, mounted in a turret below the chopper's nose, that had infrared night-vision capabilities and satellite navigation to zoom in on any address typed into it's computer.
The system could beam live footage to police command centers below or to wireless devices in the hands of police commanders in the field.
The helicopter had been used, the story noted, to track fleeing suspects and to patrol the skies during a visit by Pope Benedict XVI to New York.

A privacy advocate interviewed for the story raised concerns about how the helicopter might be abused, but John Diazo, crew chief for the aircraft, replied: "Obviously, we're not looking into apartments....We don't invade the privacy of individuals..We only want to observe anything that's going on in public."

Read more:

Alternate link:                                                                                

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

FBI Behind Mysterious Surveillance Aircraft Over US Cities

June 2, 2015

Scores of low-flying planes circling American cities are part of a civilian air force operated by the FBI and obscured behind fictitious companies, the Associated Press has learned.

The AP traced at least 50 aircraft back to the FBI and identified more than 100 flights in 11 states over a 30-day period since late April, circling both major cities and rural areas.
At least 150 planes, including 90 Cessna aircraft, were mentioned in a federal budget document from 2009.

For decades, the planes have provided support to FBI surveillance operations on the ground.
But now the aircraft are equipped with high-tech cameras, and in rare circumstances, technology capable of tracking thousands of cellphones, raising questions about how these surveillance flights affect American privacy.

"It's important that federal law enforcement personnel have the tools they need to find and catch criminals," said Sen. Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
"But whenever an operation may also monitor the activities of Americans who are not the intended target, we must make darn sure that safeguards are in place to protect the civil liberties of innocent Americans."

The FBI says the planes are not equipped or used for bulk collection activities or mass surveillance.
The surveillance equipment is used for ongoing investigations, the FBI says, generally without a judge's approval.

The FBI confirmed for the first time the wide-scale use of the aircraft, which the AP traced to at least 13 fake companies, such as FVX Research, KQM Aviation, NBR Aviation, and PXW Services.

"The FBI's aviation program is not secret," spokesman Christopher Allen said in a statement.
"Specific aircraft and their capabilities are protected for operational security purposes."

The front companies are used to protect the safety of the pilots, the agency said.
That setup also shields the identity of the aircraft so that suspects on the ground don't know they're being followed.

The FBI is not the only law enforcement agency to take such measures.

The Drug Enforcement Administration has it's own planes, also registered to fake companies, according to a 2011 Justice Department Inspector General Report.
At the time, the DEA had 92 aircraft in it's fleet.

And since 2007, the U.S. Marshall's Service has operated an aerial surveillance program with it's own fleet equipped with technology that can capture data from thousands of cellphones, the Wall Street Journal reported last year.

In the FBI's case, one of it's fake companies shares a post office box with the Justice Department, creating a link between the companies and the FBI through publicly available Federal Aviation Administration records.

Basic aspects of the FBI's program are withheld from the public in censored versions of official reports from the Justice Department's Inspector General, and the FBI also has been careful not to reveal it's surveillance flights in court documents.

The agency will not say how many planes are currently in it's fleet.

The planes are equipped with technology that can capture video of unrelated criminal activity on the ground that could be handed over to prosecutions.

One of the planes, photographed in flight last week by the AP in northern Virginia, bristled with unusual antennas under it's fuselage and a camera on it's left side.

Read more on this topic:

Thursday, May 21, 2015


By Peter Dale Scott

Peter Dale Scott is considered the father of  "Deep Politics"-- the study of hidden permanent institutions and interests whose influence on the political realm transcends the elected, appointed and career officials who come and go.

A former English professor at U.C. Berkeley, Peter Dale Scott has written many books including:
"Drugs, Oil and War" "The War Conspiracy"  "Deep Politics and the Death of JFK"  "The Road to 911"   "Cocaine Politics"  "Minding the Darkness" and his latest book, "The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil and the Attack on Democracy."

Professor Scott writes:
"For some time now I have been analyzing American history in the light of what I have called structural deep events, like the JFK assassination, the Watergate break-in, Iran-Contra, and the 9/11 attacks, which repeatedly involve law-breaking or violence, are mysterious to begin with, are embedded in ongoing covert processes, have political consequences that enlarge covert government, and are subsequently covered up by systematic falsifications in the main stream media and internal government records.

The more I study these deep events, the more I see suggestive similarities between them, increasing the possibility that they are not unrelated external intrusions on American history, but parts of an endemic process, sharing to some degree or other a common source.

For example, one factor linking Dallas, Watergate, Iran-Contra and 9/11, has been the involvement in all four deep events of personnel involved in America's highest-level emergency planning, known since the 1950s as Continuity of Government (COG) planning, or more colloquially inside the Pentagon as 'The Doomsday Project."

A few of these actors may have been located at the top, as overseers of the secret COG system.
Others were located further down in it's secret communications network.

I see this planning group as one among many in what I have chosen to call the 'American deep state,' along with agencies like the CIA and NSA, the private groups like Booz Hamilton to which more than half of the US intelligence budget is outsourced, and finally the powerful banks and corporations whose views are well represented in the CIA and NSA.

But if only one group among many, the COG planning group is also special, because of it's controls and access to a communications channel, not under government control, that can reach deeply into the US social structure.

COG planning was originally authorized by Truman and Eisenhower as planning for a response to a crippling atomic attack that had decapitated government.

In consequence it's planning group contemplated extreme measures, including what Alsonso Chardy in 1987 called 'suspension of the Constitution'

And yet, in Iran-Contra it's asset of a secret communications network, developed for the catastrophe of decapitation, was used instead to evade an official embargo on arms sales to Iran that dated back to 1979.

My question today is whether the network could have been similarly misused in November 1963."

Read more:

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Professor Peter Dale Scott's latest book is:
"THE AMERICAN DEEP STATE: Wall Street, Big Oil and the Attack on Democracy"
(Rowman & Littlefield, Publishers)

This provocative book makes a compelling case for a hidden "deep state" that influences and often opposes official U.S. policies.

Prominent political analyst Peter Dale Scott begins by tracing America's increasing militarization, restrictions on constitutional rights, and income disparity since the Vietnam War.

He argues that a significant role in this historic reversal was the intervention of a series of structural deep events, ranging from the assassination of President Kennedy to  9/11.

He does not attempt to resolve the controversies surrounding these events, but he shows their significant points in common, ranging from overlapping personnel and modes of operation to shared sources of funding.

Behind all of these commonalities is what Scott calls the deep state: a second order of government, behind the public or constitutional state, that has grown significantly stronger since World War ll.

He marshals convincing evidence that the deep state is partly institutionalized in non-accountable intelligence agencies like the CIA and NSA, but it also includes private corporations like 
Booz Allen Hamilton and SAIC, to which 70 percent of intelligence budgets are outsourced.

Behind these public and private institutions is the traditional influence of Wall Street bankers and lawyers, allied with international oil companies beyond the reach of domestic law.

With the importance of Gulf states like Saudi Arabia to oil markets, American defense companies, and Wall Street itself, this essential book shows that there is now a supranational deep state, sometimes demonstrably opposed to both White House policies and the American public interest.

Friday, May 8, 2015


Organized Stalking, aka Gang Stalking or Multi-Stalking, is intense, long-term, covert surveillance and harassment of a targeted individual.

Domestic counter-surveillance operations of this type are perpetuated by federal agents and contractors, sometimes with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel.

The goal of such covert operations is to "subvert" or "neutralize" an individual deemed to be an "enemy" or "potential enemy."

Although the term "gang stalking" is misleading, it is accurate in the sense that the perpetrators ---- law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and private security thugs -- do often function in the manner of criminal gangs.

Although they sometimes conduct their operations under the color of law, many of their activities have neither constitutional or moral legitimacy.

This is true of all the likely major perpetrators of organized stalking in the USA:
the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. military counter-intelligence agencies, state and local Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs), and security contractors.

All of these groups -- and other federal intelligence agencies such as the CIA and NSA -- have well-documented histories of abusing their powers.

The covert tactics used by the perpetrators of organized stalking are quietly being used to suppress dissent, silence whistle-blowers, and get revenge against persons who have angered someone with connections to the public and private agencies involved.

The most well-documented example of such operations was the FBI's infamous COINTELPRO (Counter-Intelligence Programs) under the direction of J. Edgar Hoover.

These operations ran from 1956 until 1971, when they were exposed by political activists who broke into an FBI office and obtained secret documents which they handed over to the media.

COINTELPRO's official goal was to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit or otherwise neutralize" individuals deemed to be subversive.

As the United States Senate (Church Committee) investigation of COINTELPRO found, tactics used by the FBI included many of the methods associated with organized stalking, such as overt surveillance (stalking for psychological operations purposes).

The FBI even perpetuated such crimes as blackmail and assassinations.

Organized Stalking methods include warrantless electronic surveillance, slander, blacklisting, and a variety of psychological operations (Psy Ops).

An organized stalking victim is systematically isolated and harassed in a manner intended to cause sustained emotional torment while creating the least-possible evidence of stalking that would be visible to others.

This process is often referred to as "no-touch torture."

Methods are specifically chosen for their lack of easily-captured objective evidence.

Perpetrators use common annoyances such as honking horns, constant noise by neighbors, or rude comments and abusive behavior by strangers, but on a frequent, long-term basis.

The cumulative effects of relentless exposure to such tactics can amount to psychological torture for the victim.

A whole set of psychological operations are perpetuated against targeted individuals.

These methods include such things as threats, slander, vandalism, abusive phone calls, computer hacking, tormenting the victim with noise, and "mobbing" (orchestrated harassment by strangers, neighbors or co-workers).

Accounts by numerous victims of organized stalking share common specific details -- suggesting that the perpetrators are following a well-tested and standardized playbook of methods that have proven to be easily kept off the radar of potential witnesses and the mainstream news media.

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